January 19, 2023

Which Direction Do You Deal Cards in Poker?

Do you know the cardinal direction for dealing cards in poker? Or have you ever been confused why some dealers deal cards in a clockwise direction, while others do it counter-clockwise? In This post, we give you the answer to: Which direction do you deal cards in poker?

Poker is one of the most popular card games around the world. It requires a lot of skill and strategy to win and is often played in casinos or homes. As a beginner, understanding and following the rules of the game can be tricky. One very important rule is knowing which direction to deal cards in poker.

There are some specific rules that relate to which direction to deal cards in poker. In this article, we will talk about how to properly deal cards when playing poker, so you can always find yourself at an advantage! We’ll explain why it’s important to know which direction to deal cards and provide tips on making sure all players start with an equal amount of knowledge regarding the hand they’ve been dealt.

Which Direction Do You Deal Cards in Poker?

In most poker games, cards are dealt in a clockwise direction. This means that the dealer will start by dealing one card face down to the player on their left. Then they will move around the table clockwise, dealing one card at a time until each player has been dealt their hand.

The reason why cards are dealt in a clockwise direction is to ensure fairness and consistency throughout the game. This way, no player has an advantage over another as everyone receives their cards at the same rate – one card at a time. This ensures that all players have equal knowledge about what type of hand they have been dealt before any betting starts. This prevents players from having an unfair advantage due to information gathered from other players’ hands.

Does the Direction in Which Poker Cards Are Dealt Matter?

Yes, the direction poker cards are dealt does matter. Knowing which direction to deal cards in poker is essential in ensuring that all players have equal knowledge about their hands and that no one has an unfair advantage. Furthermore, it also allows for a consistent flow of gameplay and prevents any confusion or arguments during the game. Important to not forget when it’s time to deal cards in poker, begin with the player who is sitting on your left and move in a clockwise direction around the table. This ensures fairness and consistency throughout the game!


So, which direction do you deal cards in poker is an important question that requires all poker players to know the answer to. That way, you are at an advantage. Knowing which direction to deal cards in poker is an important rule of the game. Cards are typically dealt in a clockwise direction so that all players have equal knowledge about their hands before any betting takes place. This ensures fairness and consistency throughout the game. If you’re ever unsure which direction to deal cards, just remember: Clockwise is the way to go!